Sunday, February 22, 2009

"paapa, kindly read this email if you want your bday something!!!!!"

paapa, kindly read this email if you want your bday something!!!!! Inbox X
------- to me
show details Feb 9 (13 days ago)


1. ur b'day something: u'll need ID, and the ff info: the amt --------------. you can pick it up anytime, from any western union joint in manhattan. if u have a problem with that let me know so i can get it sorted. happy birthday!

2. i'm not happy to hear that u've been doing ur 'ignoring' thing you do to kobby. for someone who was going to spend months with 'em cos u were concerned, how is it that now kobby tries to holla for weeks and says to mummy u're M.I.A. he even has to hit up ur friend to find out what's good w/ u. how is that possible????? i didn't like hearing that. u know u're a big bro to them. fine u do it to us and we're used to it, even though it's not acceptable, and fine, ur phone is disconnected, but please don't do it to them. it's not fresh!!!! a 5 min call once a wk, here or there to show that you're thinking about them isn't too much to ask. u have time for your blog, make time for 'em. i hope u have been able to get in touch with 'em so everything is gravy now and my ranting has been a little unnecessary.

3. i saw lil' wayne on ur blog, and just have to say in as nicely as i can to get that negro off. couldn't really tell by him being there whether you were pro or against lil wayne, but am just gonna say that the quote alone you put on there proves that he's not only not a christian, but against christians/christianity. what i mean is,
the bible clearly says Jesus is our example, so what does he mean by the quote you put there.
there's like an upside down cross on his forehead
i went to his convention where they went into the history of music and satan, etc. to make a long story short, i wouldn't listen to anything lil wayne makes cos dude is most likely (and knowingly) being used by satan to make music. i know i sound like auntie harriet but i'm not playing. the guy played some on his music backwards and the stuff was serious. lil' wayne is a just one of many of the artists. included in that list is even my girl beyonce. i'm not touching that like i used to anymore.
hope you have a good birthday. and stop ignoring us. hope you got the other email i sent about my dream. holla!

2009/1/8 -------<>
amen wo Yesu dzin!!!

yes it's very late. but it'll all good. saw tracy and everything last mon. we chilled but not really. just went to the movies. so what did you do for Christmas and new years'? Care to share your testimony. guess u didn't go to Cali? holla!

2009/1/7 BOMA YE <>

im sorry u havnt heard from me in a while. i fell on hard times but GOD has given me the victory. give me tracy # and i will do my best. i hope its not too late. happy new year sis. i love u

--- On Mon, 12/22/08, ------- <> wrote:

> From: ---- <>
> Subject: tracy is coming to ldn so if you have anything you meant to sent to me but didn't
> To: "Alex b"
> Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:33 PM
> you can give to her. dunno how u'd like to do it, since
> mums says ur number
> isn't working or something. holla and stop w/ the non
> response while posting
> ppl emails on ur blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said... me...stop being a stranger...i'll be up there in june.pray all is well!