Just a few days after arriving in Ghana from his 70-day stay in the Big Brother Amplified reality TV show, Alex Biney also known as Bomaye has carried his ladies’ man reputation to a new level when he hit on Ghanaian star actress, Nadia Buari on TV3’s Diva Show, Saturday morning.
A viewer sent in a text message suggesting Nadia and Alex would be good together as a couple. Alex replied “I Think so too”, attracting a smile from the beautiful actress. He added that he thinks Nadia likes dark chocolate guys since she dated Michael Essien in the past, thus making him (Alex) a perfect candidate for Nadia. TRUE
Nadia and Alex were both guests on the Diva Show and several points in their double interview, the host picked on signs that Alex was checking Nadia out. At some stage, the host, Nana Aba Anamuah even had to ask Alex to stop staring at Nadia’s legs. FALSE- I'm always a gentleman
When Alex was asked whether Nadia could do well in the Big Brother house, he replied that Nadia just had to smile and Big Brother would declare her the winner. Corny? Wait there is more! Alex added that he had watched a lot of Nadia Buari movies including ‘Beyonce’ and was smitten by Nadia’s smile in posters.
“I’m blushing literally”, Nadia replied TRUE
Meanwhile it appears Ghanaian would love to see a relationship between Alex and the sexyAngolan housemate, Weza. Some viewers requested that Alex should invite Weza over to Ghana so they can continue their relationship from the Big Brother House.
Chale Nana Aba Anamuah, please report the truth cause when i see u in the streets i will confront you!!!!
Boomaye no need to confront her thats the truth watched the show too.
Boooomayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Abeg just respect ur self lol. Am not exposing urself (Luclay's voice) lol anyway bigups man luv u
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