A woman in Houston, TX is offering a pole dancing class for Christian women that is held twice a month on Sundays. A copy of your church's program is required to attend.
March 22 at 10:03am · Like · · Share
Michael Moreno likes this.
Marcell Cell Jackson Oh heck no aymee
March 22 at 10:14am · Like
Aymee Aguero - Isn't that the craziest thing u ever heard....People are just losing all respect for Our Lord and Savior! I'm over it!!
March 22 at 10:16am · Like
Marcell Cell Jackson Yes ur correct that's a slap n the face like big time
March 22 at 10:23am · Like
Alma Santana Aymee, I thought I had seen everything but this tops it. On the other hand maybe the church is having a problems with christian men wondering around those places so maybe this is a way of trying to solve the problem. Why go out looking when you can have it at home. It should be taught some place else though. The husbands of these gals better get those bills out too. Just kidding. This is too way out there for me.
March 22 at 11:11am · Like
Muse Mpsl That puts a spin "literally" on dancing for Jesus
March 22 at 11:12am · Like
Aymee Aguero I know Alma....The Church has nothing to do with this...The husband just need to renew their minds and get in those scriptures...Ask the Holy spirit how to handle ur business in the bedroom!
March 22 at 11:57am · Like
Aymee Aguero Mercedes- lol...u are too funny! Spin and a TWIST!
March 22 at 11:57am · Like
RaVal Vee Davis LMBO at Mercedes. It does seem like the two just should not mix but I know plenty of Christian women that go to pole dancing classes for fitness but to call it christian pole dancing idunno......
March 22 at 12:24pm · Like
Aymee Aguero Yea I know Vee.....calling it Christian Pole Dancing is Crazy...The part that cracks me up is that it's held every second Sunday and u have to bring ur church program...So after praise & Worship, go Drop it like it's Hot In the Name! No respect!
March 22 at 12:29pm · Like · 2 people
Muse Mpsl I hope they don't have a praise and worship segment or open up in prayer... They are offering their bodies foreal
March 22 at 12:34pm · Like · 2 people
Amen Igbinosun I like this.
March 22 at 2:38pm · Like
Aymee Aguero U would's lift him up in Prayer!
March 22 at 2:45pm · Like
Muse Mpsl @ Aymee ain't gone like it when your daughter wants to do it. That's some bodies daughter
March 22 at 2:54pm · Like
Amen Igbinosun
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! lol.... now I'mma go in on ya Aymee.... The way I see this is that... we have bigger battle to fight and concern our selves with then to show discuss towards one another... Yes the connotation with Pole dancing is perverse ...See More
March 22 at 3:25pm · Like · 2 people
Amen Igbinosun on another note... how is u gonna try and read me on FB Aymee... u should know better
March 22 at 3:25pm · Like
Muse Mpsl @ Amen you have been fully employed by satan...please punch your time card out!
March 22 at 3:26pm · Like
Amen Igbinosun LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 22 at 3:28pm · Like
Amen Igbinosun I can't say anything to that.
March 22 at 3:28pm · Like
Aymee Aguero Dang Amen! U writing ur harvard Grad school essay! I'm not reading all that on my I get back to u with my response! Love u though :). Roomy for life!
March 22 at 3:29pm · Like · 1 person
Amen Igbinosun @ Mercedes.... I'm about to read u ur rights 2
March 22 at 3:31pm · Like
Muse Mpsl @ Amen! Ur telling on yourself....have you heard of prestige ministry and you going hard for pole dancing..If it's so good why don't you do it. It might be unisex..hahaha
March 22 at 3:35pm · Like
Amen Igbinosun until I get an educated response from you... I'm gonna ignore the previous comments woven above.
March 22 at 3:40pm · Like
Muse Mpsl @ Amen...I see you want to make this an intellectual issue rather than take on the issue at hand..that's cool well see where your unborn child is in 20 years....:/
March 22 at 3:45pm · Like
Amen Igbinosun no u didn't........
March 22 at 3:54pm · Like
Michael Moreno RELIGION EVOLVES with the progression of MAN THROUGH TIME. Think about how the old church compares to the new. This is just another step towards...
March 22 at 5:51pm · Like
Michael Moreno RELIGION EVOLVES with the progression of MAN THROUGH TIME. Think about how the old church compares to the new. This is just another step towards...
March 22 at 5:51pm · Like
Aymee Aguero Michael I love u but I'm not getting into another discussion with No matter the progression, God is the SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMORROW! The body is the temple of the holy spirit! When I saw this video, I knew u were going to have something to say! Lol
March 22 at 5:59pm · Like
Michael Moreno Love you too cuzz ;-) lol
March 22 at 6:27pm · Like
Michael Moreno I say get behind the cause. This may just be the thing to get me back on the path. ;-) lol it could be used as yet another tool for
March 22 at 6:30pm · Like
Aymee Aguero @Amy I see what u're saying....I see nothing wrong with fitness pole dancing but to associate it with church is really out have the ladies bring church programs to come to class is crazy....always why use praise and worship music....I just don't see the correlation
Wednesday at 9:17am · Like
Henrietta Ericka Lutterodt you know i'm down for this. Pole dancing is all about fitness. No one has a problem w/ praise dancing. The pole has a negative sigma, and I'm just saying for people to be open minded about it. People felt the same way about Christian rap or R&B. Let's not lose sight of the message here.
Wednesday at 3:51pm · Like
Alexander Paapa- Ansah Biney It seems like the men are pro and the ladies are on the con side hmmmmm. However personally; if my wife choses pole dancing lessons at church to increase our love life and her physical well being then i praise and glorify his name
Thursday at 6:30am · Like
Aymee Aguero's not @ the's this studio that offer classes to christian's not associated with any church
Thursday at 6:34am · Like
Henrietta Ericka Lutterodt Oh that's even better!!! My 1st instructor was a devout Christian and the sexiest pole dancer ever!! Lol. Let's just say her man loved that she pole danced. Aymee come to my pole parties I promised you'll be hooked. Pole dancing boosted my self esteem and keeps me fit. Its very empowering. Let me know if u want me to teach u a swing or two...
Thursday at 9:19am · Like
Aymee Aguero I'm upstate now we have to meet up!
Thursday at 9:20am · Like