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so you dey NYC by your body or your family still dey there
i was overjoyed to c u still draw
small small
i dey alone
we for make the cartoon and game before we die
i know
charley, I dey write novel
i go buy
we for make am into a graphic novel or some shit
best seller
it be so
u wanna hear something funny...
i make krifi 1 yr now
u make i look bad
i no go church like 1 year now
lol thats not the most important thing
that b deep
but chaley, i want to do a lot with u
cant wait till u get here
we 4 do at least ONE graphic novel b4we die
yeah, whats the title?
i go send you prologue
give ma a brief story line, i always liked ur story.
action, i dey lie?
it starts off with the a god being exiled
*a god
his essence is spread out across the universe
im already hype!!
to make sure that he cannot reclaim his form again
the "god"
or should I say gods
have a sub-species
they call soomsoom
the job of this species is to enforce balance in the universe
every so many centuries
they go on a "hajj"
which is a journey in time
and in one of their hajj's they found the god that was exiled
best i email it
yeah, then i can also start creating
it be so, we for start this shit for real
at least now that we get decent jobs
u remember "boboland"
no, what was that?
u told me once in motown say u wanted to make a theme park in Ghana called boboland
i still go do
sounded dumb at the time, but now ... it sounds genius
i bet it will be a good investment
but it go be boma ye
what be boma ye ... bobo level 2?
chaley we for run for some sort of offc for gh
booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooma ye
i get toooo many names but this be the last one
u still dey watch anime
not really they have become def. i dey watch the classics on youtube
i know
gone are the Akira's and the Ninja Scroll's
afro samuri is prob the nicest
I get a few which be good for here
i make collector
cha, i de go bed. make u email me with ur #s.
love u
i go ignore that and say peace
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Karl Lagerfeld Teddy Bear

擺脫陪伴兒童長大的角色,100歲的德國泰迪熊現在想成為時尚迷的安慰新寵兒,繼2008北京奧運和Prada共通推出Prada Teddy Bear後,即將在9月要推出時尚頑童Karl Lagerfeld的高級訂製限量Teddy Bear。
這隻時尚泰迪熊,不僅穿著跟Karl Lagerfeld一樣帶有誇張領片的白色襯衫外,腰間也別上了Karl Lagerfeld的腰鏈,皮帶更是刻有”KL”的標誌,戴上誇張墨鏡,一身白毛,就跟Karl Lagerfeld一模樣。這隻全球限量2500個的Karl Lagerfeld跟Margarete Steiff共同生產的Teddy Bear,將會在紐約Neiman Marcus百貨9月上市,每個售價定為1,500美元(USD)
My parents say a man has
to have a 9 to 5/
My teachers taught me
a man knows how to
survive/ The streets told
me a man always hustles
hard weather its legal
or illegal/ The media
shows a man as strong
and diverse/ The church
says a man knows the
bible and every verse/
My uncle once told
me being black is
like having a curse that
never ends/ Society dictates
a man is thirteen and
older /Muscle magazines write
a man is one with
the biggest shoulders/ Golddiggers
crave a man with deep
pockets/ Nympho call you
a man When you got
an over 10 inch pant
rocket/ But my son
The reason for my
creativity made me a man
when I became his FATHER…………..
to have a 9 to 5/
My teachers taught me
a man knows how to
survive/ The streets told
me a man always hustles
hard weather its legal
or illegal/ The media
shows a man as strong
and diverse/ The church
says a man knows the
bible and every verse/
My uncle once told
me being black is
like having a curse that
never ends/ Society dictates
a man is thirteen and
older /Muscle magazines write
a man is one with
the biggest shoulders/ Golddiggers
crave a man with deep
pockets/ Nympho call you
a man When you got
an over 10 inch pant
rocket/ But my son
The reason for my
creativity made me a man
when I became his FATHER…………..
Stussy x Hellz Bellz Spring ‘09 Collection
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
DJ Clark Kent x Nike “2009 NBA All-Star Game” Air Force 1

With much of DJ Clark Kent’s design prowess turning many of his sneaker designs into instant sellers, it comes as no surprise he was the one calling the shots for this year’s 2009 NBA All-Star Game Air Force 1. Inspired by the colors of the host city, the Phoenix Suns, we see a colorful yet cohesive colorway with a subtle look from the front that gradually gets more colorful as you progress towards the back. Highlights include the use of patent panels and piping as well as an “09″ embroidery with a clear sole. Sneaker accessory specialists Starks were also brought in for some detailing including custom laces & lace locks and insole design not to mention coming up with the East/West concept. Look for these to release during the 2009 NBA All-Star Weekend which takes place between February 13th and 15th.

As excitement builds over the upcoming inauguration of Barack Obama, the 44th President of United States, comic book giant Marvel Entertainment announced the launch of a very special edition to commemorate the occasion. Featuring one of Marvel’s most famous character, Spider-man (aka Peter Parker), the upcoming issue #583 of The Amazing Spider-Man will have the superhero thwarting the plans of his long-time nemesis, Chameleon, during a factious January 20th. Thus, saving Obama’s inauguration. The issue will also include a special cover with both men. According to Joe Quesada, the Editor-in-Chief at Marvel, the idea for the mash-up issue came about when they found out Obama was a fan of the title during his childhood. The Amazing Spider-Man Issue #583 goes on sale across the U.S. this coming Wednesday, January 14th.
Editor Note: Due to overwhelming demand after Marvel’s disclosure last week. The company has issue a second printing of the comic. The second printing will feature identical cover art by Phil Jimenez but in a different colorway (see after the jump).
3sixteen Spring 2009 Photoshoot from 3sixteen on Vimeo.
Model: DeVon Drakkar Lane Simmons, see u in ny for fashion week

Now that the blogs have gone crazy over the news of this collaboration, Kanye mustered up the courage to show the world one of his six designs he made for Louis Vuitton. The sample appears to be inspired by boat shoes and falls far from the high-tops we expect to see. He was weary to show this off too much before but released this latest picture on his blog. We can only imagine LV gave up the goods and said it would be fine
Friday, January 9, 2009
l got a lot of work to do, i always find myself swampt with work. i think i bring this on myself to make me feel important or relevant or needed. is this a good thing?
what i can say for sure is im focusing on building my brands only. im still going to give my all to the companies that i work with because thats the type of person God wants me to be - luke 16:12 And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's who shall give u that which is ur own. - vision keeper motto
but i have to do something with my talents
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
DAILY DEVOTIONAL: Lessons in Contentment
I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11 (NIV)
*** *** *** ***
Here are four steps to develop contentment in your life.
1. Stop comparing yourself to others. When you compare your life with someone else’s, the only place it can lead is toward discontentment. There will always be people who appear to be better off than you, but you don’t know their real circumstances.
I recall counseling a husband many years ago, and he said he wished his wife could be more like so-and-so, and he named a woman in our congregation. What he didn’t know is that the woman was a functioning alcoholic causing incredible heartache and stress for her family and for her husband.
That’s why the Bible teaches it is unwise to compare (2 Corinthians 10:12).
2. Be grateful for who you are and what you have. Learning to be content requires that you stop any “when and then” thinking – “When I am ___________, then I’ll be happy.” (You fill in the blank.)
The reason we fall into this trap is that we may actually be content for a little while but it won’t last. But, more than likely, someone else or something else will come along and drain the contentment from your life.
But listen, you are unique. God created you to be like nobody else, so why would you want to be anyone else. God is perfect, and you were his perfect choice to be you. Understanding that is a huge step toward being content with your life.
And then look at all the things God has given you. So often we allow what we don’t have to so dominate our focus that we forget the many wonderful things we already have, not only material blessing, but far more important things, such as family and friends.
3. Give yourself to others. If you will begin giving yourself to others, sharing what things you do have, sharing your time and your talents, you will find yourself learning to be content. Helping others will give you an appreciation for what you have and who you are, but more importantly, you will find yourself growing content. Why? Because God designed us to serve and share with others, and until we do that, we will feel great discontent.
4. Focus on things with eternal value. The real secret to becoming content is to focus on the things that have eternal value. It may be a familiar teaching to you, but Jesus said we should store up our treasures in heaven, and not on earth “where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19-21 NIV).
Think about the things in your life: What will last forever? What will last at least for your lifetime? What will last a few short years, or months, or days? Based on eternal value, what things are most important in your life? Where – and with whom – should you put your most time and energy?
By re-organizing your life around eternal priorities, you’ll find yourself growing in contentment as you live according to God’s design and purpose.
*** *** *** ***
Here are four steps to develop contentment in your life.
1. Stop comparing yourself to others. When you compare your life with someone else’s, the only place it can lead is toward discontentment. There will always be people who appear to be better off than you, but you don’t know their real circumstances.
I recall counseling a husband many years ago, and he said he wished his wife could be more like so-and-so, and he named a woman in our congregation. What he didn’t know is that the woman was a functioning alcoholic causing incredible heartache and stress for her family and for her husband.
That’s why the Bible teaches it is unwise to compare (2 Corinthians 10:12).
2. Be grateful for who you are and what you have. Learning to be content requires that you stop any “when and then” thinking – “When I am ___________, then I’ll be happy.” (You fill in the blank.)
The reason we fall into this trap is that we may actually be content for a little while but it won’t last. But, more than likely, someone else or something else will come along and drain the contentment from your life.
But listen, you are unique. God created you to be like nobody else, so why would you want to be anyone else. God is perfect, and you were his perfect choice to be you. Understanding that is a huge step toward being content with your life.
And then look at all the things God has given you. So often we allow what we don’t have to so dominate our focus that we forget the many wonderful things we already have, not only material blessing, but far more important things, such as family and friends.
3. Give yourself to others. If you will begin giving yourself to others, sharing what things you do have, sharing your time and your talents, you will find yourself learning to be content. Helping others will give you an appreciation for what you have and who you are, but more importantly, you will find yourself growing content. Why? Because God designed us to serve and share with others, and until we do that, we will feel great discontent.
4. Focus on things with eternal value. The real secret to becoming content is to focus on the things that have eternal value. It may be a familiar teaching to you, but Jesus said we should store up our treasures in heaven, and not on earth “where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19-21 NIV).
Think about the things in your life: What will last forever? What will last at least for your lifetime? What will last a few short years, or months, or days? Based on eternal value, what things are most important in your life? Where – and with whom – should you put your most time and energy?
By re-organizing your life around eternal priorities, you’ll find yourself growing in contentment as you live according to God’s design and purpose.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Beware of worms on Facebook
McAfee warns of a new worm that's being passed around on Facebook. You'll get an e-mail from a friend that says something along the lines of "You look just awesome in this new movie." When you click the link to play the video, you'll be prompted to download "flash_player.exe," which is actually a worm called Koobface. Its purpose: to steer your searches from sites like Google and Yahoo to other sites, and to send spam to your Facebook friends.
So no matter how tempting the come-on (and we all like watching ourselves look good in movies), don't fall for it. Remember: Whenever you're prompted to download any software, do it from the real source for that software (in the case of Flash Player, that would be at Adobe's download site:, rather than an unknown site.
For more online safety tips, see our free Guide to Online Security.
—Donna Tapellini
So no matter how tempting the come-on (and we all like watching ourselves look good in movies), don't fall for it. Remember: Whenever you're prompted to download any software, do it from the real source for that software (in the case of Flash Player, that would be at Adobe's download site:, rather than an unknown site.
For more online safety tips, see our free Guide to Online Security.
—Donna Tapellini
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